How much can I save?

This depends on what you're using to heat your pool, swim spa or spa bath and where you are located. The table below gives the heat energy collected per (1.1m2) collector across an entire swimming season and the equivalent cost of this heat energy obtained using either gas, electric heat element or heat pump units.

Energy savings per collector across a swimming season

Average Daily Seasonal Insolation (1.1m²) Energy Collected Gas (1kWh=3.6 MJ) Electric Element Offset Heat Pump Offset
Melbourne (Oct-Mar) 6.7 kWh 733 kWh $91 $165 $41
Sydney (Oct-Apr) 6.5 kWh 696 kWh $86 $157 $39
Brisbane (Oct-Apr) 6.7 kWh 716 kWh $89 $161 $40


To obtained the anticipated energy savings simply multiply the size of your system by the relevant energy cost - hence for a 4 panel spa heating system in Syndey, off-setting an electric heat element the anticipated annual savings are $157 × 4 =  $628.