How it Works

how it works

An electric photovoltaic (PV) panel is mounted at substantially the same orientation as the polymer collectors. The electric PV panel connects to the pump and acts as both a power source and solar energy senor. The system works by pumping water up through the polymer thermal solar collector array and back into the pool whenever there is a certain threshold of solar energy shining on the PV panel and hence on the polymer collectors.

Temperature control is achieved by mounting the collector array at an angle closer to upright to optimize collection in spring & autumn months. This is done so as not to overheat the pool in peak summer months. No other temperature controller/sensors are required. The installation involves only a single 12V (or 24V) electrical connection to connect the pump to the solar PV panel. No integration with the pool filter system is required. No mains pump commissioning is required.

Why you don't need a mains pump for solar heating

With traditional rubber tube collectors it takes a lot of energy and pressure to force water through lengths of rubber tubes with narrow passages installed high up on your roof. Some of these length are at least 5-10 meters long and develop air locks if the flow rates fall below a certain threshold, increasing the required power even further. The Vertex Solar™ system is smarter in it uses a combination of design characteristics to dramatically reduce the pump power required, these include:

  • Reduced head pump pressure - the Vertex Solar™ system is typically mounted at ground level
  • Near zero collector internal flow resistance - our collectors have comparatively large flow passages
  • Zero chance of collector air locks even at the lowest flow rates - the collectors are angled to completely fill automatically
  • More efficient collectors means a smaller area that water has to flow through

As a result the Vertex Solar™ system is the first solar pool heating system that is fully and automatically power by the Sun. All this means is that you won't need to pay for the power to pump water onto your roof to heat your pool ever again.