Replace MR16 Downlights with an LED Globe Solution and Save

Don't get ripped off running incandescent globes - if you include power inflation, the cost of replacing globes and the compounded earnings on the potential savings - the cost of running Halogens really adds up fast. This interactive LED lighting payback calculator will help you understand the exponential costs of running Halogens and the savings you could achieve by switching to an LED lighting solution.

¥ The changeover to smart meter timed tariff rates in the coming years should be keep in mind here
† Use this for special tariffs, for example: during shoulder (typically weekends), solar export or off-peak tariff
¤ This number should be: daily usage per globe averaged across a typical week - keeping in mind that peak tariff rates are typically not used on weekends
* Does not include: increased air-conditioning costs, labour of replacing incandescent globes or risk of fire
^ Assuming an average of 2 LED globes is used per driver
‡ Include to compare if installing a lighting solution from scratch
~ Assumes a 3000 hour life, if your incandescent globes are only 1500 hour than double the cost per globe
§ Typically $20-$25 per fitting for about 10 fitting - use your own quote here if you have one

Details About this LED Calculator

  • This calculator sums all initial outlays, earnings and costs and subjects the balance to interest rates. Hence it assumes both debts and credits, incur/earn the same relative amount of interest. This is equivalent to a mortgage scenario where initial outlays incur interest, while in later years cost savings are used to pay down the mortgage faster.

Useful links

Disclaimer: This free to use calculator is provided as is. While we have endeavoured to make this calculator as accurate as possible we take no responsibility for accuracy of the assumptions, data or advice it provides. This calculator should be cross checked with other information and should not be used as the sole means in making your purchasing decisions.